Milton, ON November 1, 2022 – It’s that time of year again when families begin to think about the upcoming holiday season. There are many families within the Halton Region that are less fortunate and struggle to provide their children with an enjoyable Christmas, and some who are simply not able to buy their children a toy. This year we believe the struggle could be even greater for more families.
Milton, ON – It’s that time of year again when families begin to think about the upcoming holiday season. There are many families within the Halton Region that are less fortunate and struggle to provide their children with an enjoyable Christmas, and some who are simply not able to buy their children a toy. This year we believe the struggle could be even greater for more families.
The Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation and Halton Regional Police Service are commencing the annual Miracle on Main Street (formerly Toys for Tots) Christmas donation drive. This is the fifth year of the merger between the two entities to collect and distribute funds and toys to families in need throughout the Halton Region. The merger has allowed the organizations to enhance the annual donation drives and to work collaboratively to help more families in need than ever before. Over $850,000 was raised during last year’s virtual event. 100% of the donations go back into the community!
Admission is FREE with a donation of a new unwrapped toy! There will be free amusement rides, free petting zoo and free pony rides, stage performances, food, drinks and much more! In attendance will be wrestling’s living legend Tiger Jeet Singh, former WWE Superstar Tiger Ali Singh, His Worship Mayor Gord Krantz, Halton Police Chief Stephen Tanner, along with Dignitaries and Members of Council. Photos will be available to be taken with members of Halton Police, Milton Fire Dept and Halton EMS.
One of the main attractions is former WWE superstar Tiger Ali Singh. Standing at 6’4” and weighing 285lbs would be enough to attract attention, but Tiger takes it to a new level. For the past 13 years he’s used his celebrity to promote inclusion and is invited to speak at school assemblies and attends the Miracle on Main event wearing a red Santa coat, red turban, his world championship belt over one shoulder and bellows out “Merry Christmas” for all to hear. He promotes respect for those celebrating Christmas religiously, as well as, for those celebrating it socially as a festive time of year. His motto, which has been adopted by TJSF, namesake for his father, wrestling legend Tiger Jeet Singh, “Sickness and poverty don’t discriminate; neither should the spirit of giving.”
The Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation is a Milton-based charity started by wrestling legends, humanitarians, and philanthropists, Tiger Jeet Singh and his son Tiger Ali Singh. For the last thirteen years, the Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation has organized the “Miracle on Main Street” event which has raised millions of dollars through donations and sponsorships for children and families in need who live in our Region, as well as purchase thousands of toys for children admitted over the holidays at McMaster Children’s Hospital and SickKids.
For more information contact:
Colleen Scully
Executive Assistant
Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation