TigerFest Milton 2010
Tigers Wrestle Fest was a vision of wrestling legend Tiger Jeet Singh, his son WWE Superstar Tiger Ali Singh and their good friend Troy Newton. A festival within a festival to showcase local amateur athletes while promoting health and fitness.
Saturday June 5th 2010 marked an important day in history as Tigers Wrestle Fest hit the Milton streets during its annual Milton Street Festival.
The Milton Street Festival has been taking place every year for the past four years attracting over 20,000 visitors each year; this number more than doubled with over 50,000 visitors attending with the addition of the TigerFest.
Even in its first year TigerFest donated close to $35,000 to support the Milton District Hospital Foundation. The money raised for the hospital will be used to help the hospital purchase essential medical equipment not covered by the Government.
Not only did Miltonians and residents of the GTA come out in full force to see their favourite wrestlers Tiger Jeet Singh and Tiger Ali Singh, but fans even traveled from all across Canada and some even flew in from India and Japan placing Milton on the wrestling community’s map.
Media Coverage
The Fight Network:
The Fight Network:
Milton Today TV: