Watch it now! Tigers Wrestle Fest public service announcement featuring wrestling legend Tiger Jeet Singh and former WWE superstar Tiger Ali Singh!

Scotia Bank Presents:
Tigers Wrestle Fest, Saturday, June 4th
(Part of Downtown Milton Street Festival)
295 Main Street East, Milton, ON
(across from Troy’s Diner)
12 — 7:30 PM (Wrestling Starts @ 5:00 PM)

Admission: Minimum $5.00 donation
Tigers Food Drive: Drop off canned goods at Milton Scotia Bank locations

Proceeds from Tigers Wrestle Fest will be donated to the Japan Relief Campaign, Salvation Army, Halton Learning Foundation and McMaster Children’s Hospital. (more…)

On Saturday, June 4th as part of Milton’s Downtown Street Festival, Tigers Wrestle Fest will return by popular demand presented by Scotia Bank.

While the Milton Street Festival has been taking place over the past four years attracting between 20,000 to 30,000 visitors each year, this number was blown away last year, due in part to the addition of the inaugural Tigers Wrestle Fest with over 50,000 people attending.

Proceeds from Tiger Fest 2011 will go towards the Japan Relief Campaign, supporting the Salvation Army, Halton Learning Foundation and visiting children at McMaster Children’s Hospital. (more…)